Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Literary Fathers/Father Figures


Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Thoughts on Tomes and created by Lainey @ Ginger Reads Lainey. You can check out the group’s Goodreads page to join and check out the topics of the month.

This Week’s Topic: Favorite Literary Fathers/Father Figures (because of Father’s Day)

I read a lot of YA fantasy and sci-fi, and a reoccurring theme is that the main character  either only has one parent (most of the time a mom) or have no parents at all. So finding father/fatherly figures for this meme was actually a lot more difficult than I expected it to be. Some of these father’s have already passed away before the story started but I’m still going to include them in because of the lasting image they left of the character(s).

Michael Lancaster

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

When I think of literary fathers, Hazel’s father is the first one to pop into mind. He’s always there to support Hazel, and he genuinely cares for her. You’re probably thinking well duh he loves her. He’s her freaking father for Pete’s sake but keep in mind that in literature, especially YA, there aren’t many caring parents that are still alive.

Arthur Avery

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Even in the position that he’s in, Arthur Avery, father of Cath and Wren Avery, stays strong for his daughters. He too genuinely love his daughters, maybe even more so because the lack of a mother. I don’t know. Despite the situation he’s in, he still finds time to be just a great dad for the twins.

Mr. Charleston

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

I don’t know the first name of David Charleston’s father, so I’m just going to call him Mr. Charleston. He might have already passed away before the story started, but David regards him so highly that I had to put him on this list. They had such a great father-son bond together when he was alive.


Metias Iparis

Legend by Marie Lu

Ever since they were orphaned, June’s brother stepped up to take care of June. He was kind of like a brother-father. Under his warmth and kindness, June thrived. She wouldn’t be where she is during the story without her brother’s guidance and care.

Andrew Prior

Divergent by Veronica Roth

He’s also one of those few select fathers in the YA dystopian genre that cares for his family and children. He would die for his children if it meant that they would live in a better world.

Until next time….


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