Series I’m Not Going to Finish

We all been here at one point in our lives. We live in denial and tell ourselves that one day, we’re going to finish that series. But alas, other books beckoned you to read them and you lost track of time. It’s months past now and you have no desire to continue the series. You still tell yourself that one day… ONE DAY you’ll get to the series again.

But you know, that never happened and now you’ve come to terms with it.

So… yeah.

Here’s the thing: I will normally finish a series, no matter how bad. Actually, I’ll normally finish the series because I don’t think it’s all that bad. I’m an easy-to-please reader. I don’t have many complaints (actually that’s a lie, but we’re going to just roll with it) for many books. You know the Delirium series? Well, I finished the whole series. Yes, it was not the best one out there, but I finished it without much complaint.

Call me crazy if you’d like, but I also finished the Fallen series (although that was a pain to get through).

Anyways, aside from all that, here are the series that I’m not going to finish.

The Mara Dyer trilogy


I sort of liked the first book, but I wasn’t hooked enough to consider reading the next books. I also read some mixed reviews for the last book in the trilogy.

The Winner’s trilogy


The first book was pretty good. It just wasn’t what I was looking for when I was reading it, which might be the reason why I’m not planning to continue on with the series. I might pick up the second book, but I’m going to need some convincing before I do.

The Inheritance Cycle 


I lost interest in the second book (or was it the third? I don’t remember anymore). It was boring, no offense to those who like the series. I loved Eragon but I absolutely couldn’t bring myself to finish Eldest. After about a third of the way through, I gave up.

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series


Again, I lost interest in this series, one of the reasons being that I was in the transition of really liking middle grade novels to really enjoying young adult novels. Plus, the books are intense. Three days take place over 400-ish pages. That’s a lot of tiny details (which I don’t mind), but it gets tiring to read after awhile.

The Lord of the Rings (not technically a series, but whatever)


I feel like I should apologize to those who love this story, but I don’t see myself finishing this series in the near future.

Uglies series


The last book, Extras, never really caught my attention because it didn’t have the main set of characters in it. Plus, I didn’t hear great things about it anyways.

Until next time….

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