How to Train Your Dragon Book Tag


Thank you Ava @ Reads, Rhythms, and Ruminations for tagging me! Don’t forget to check out her blog!

The movie How to Train Your Dragon was amazing. The story of unlikely friendship is so cute. Plus, Toothless is adorable. I mean, look at that face! Who wouldn’t fall in love with that?

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– You may use these graphics (except for the banner)
– Link back to the original post and mention the creator (Jessica @ Pore Over the Pages).
– Include the credits section at the bottom of this post.
– Thank the blogger who tagged you.
– Tag everybody, tag nobody, tag somebody.
– Have fun!



Hiccup started out as a failure to his people. He wasn’t adept at dragon killing. Suddenly, he knows the ins and outs of the creatures he is supposed to despise. He becomes popular, and in turn he tries to use his fame to create an alliance between the humans and the dragons. In the end, he changes the minds and hearts of everyone in Berk.

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The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I read this around the time it first came out. My sister, who’s four years older than me, wanted to me to read it. I, being the young child I was at the time, didn’t have a clue what the heck I was reading. I reread it again after a couple years when I heard a movie was being made, and loved it.



Astrid is the fierce female viking. She is strong and smart, the perfect contender to be a dragon killer. She is suspicious of Hiccup and eventually discovers his secret. Once she sees the beauty in and of the dragons, she is usually by Hiccup’s side. She stands for her beliefs and helps her friend to the very end.


Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

If Celaena isn’t a strong female character, I don’t know who is. In fact, Throne of Glass series is filled with strong female characters. Not only is there Celaena, but there’s also Manon, Lysandra, Maeve (yes, although she’s evil, she’s also super strong), and a smattering of others.


Stoick the Vast. He is the leader of the vikings of Berk. He is strong, determined, and caring. He can be thoughtless, but he does feel responsible for his people. He loves his family. After a while, he sees reason and recognizes his son’s greatness. He is a proud man, but he is even more proud of his son in the end.

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Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is killing the game right now. I don’t know what she did, but her writing and plot definitely improved. I was indifferent about the Grisha trilogy, but her Six of Crows duology was out of this world. It was so good! If you haven’t started the series yet, what are you doing? You need to read it!


Valka goes out on her own to live with the dragons. She knows untold secrets and comes out of nowhere in the second movie. She sees the world in a different light, like her son. Nowadays, most books are a part of a series. Authors have a hard time containing their words and creative worlds = lucky us!


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I didn’t know what to expect when I read this book, but it surprised me greatly. I thought it was going to be your average classic with over dramatic problems that could be solved if the characters just communicated better, but that wasn’t the case. I really enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird and the problems it covered.


Gobber is loyal and funny. He is a teacher, friend, blacksmith, and so much more. He supports Stoick and Valka, Hiccup, and all others. “He’s a bit gruff, but his heart is always in the right place.” (credit) If you were Gobber, which book characters would you ship?


A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas

Feyre and Rhysand for life! I used to be on Team Tamlin, but I changed my mind once I read A Court of Mist and Fury.


Snotlout is impulsive. He speaks his mind and does what he wants. He is rude and also flirty. If he was a book lover, I’m sure he would buy a book because of an enticing cover, intriguing synopsis, or just because he can. Is there a book that you bought simply because?

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Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

I bought this solely because of the cover and the interesting way it was written. I didn’t even stop to read what it was about. I just saw it in the bookstore and I took it up to the register and bought it.


Family and friends are the most important aspect in one’s life. Sometimes the representations in books are optimal (while other times the representation is non-existent). Books can contain perfect, desirable relationships that we all want to be a part of, so choose a book with a family or friend bond that you wish were real in your own life.


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

Other than Dumbledore’s Army (which is the ultimate group to be in), I really would love to be in The Inner Circle in A Court of Mist and Fury. You could tell that all the members are super tight with each other, and were almost like family. Scratch that. They are family, just of different blood. They support each other and watch each others backs whenever they’re in danger (which happens more often that I’m probably comfortable with).   I don’t care for a large group of friends. I just want a small, close group, and The Inner Circle is exactly that.


Fishlegs is intelligent. He knows dragons by the book, and by the book only. He inspires knowledge in himself and in others. As with Fishlegs, sometimes books make one want to learn something new, research a new topic, try a new experience, or go somewhere exciting. Name a book that makes you want to expand you horizons.

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The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

As a kid, I was super interested in WWII and all the causes and effects of the war. I was especially intrigued about the social problems that people faced during the war and why those problems even emerged. This book renewed my interest in the war, and brought a civilian perspective into the war.


Toothless is a Night Fury. He is the only one left of his kind, making him extremely rare. He is loyal, fast, intelligent, and cute. Find the bookish equivalent to Toothless, a novel that is not read too often/under-hyped that you adore.


Jackaby series by William Ritter

This series doesn’t get the love it deserves, honestly. If you like slightly quirky novels, you’re going to like this. It’s a blend of Sherlock (the BBC television show) and Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children. No, it doesn’t have photos in it, but it has that peculiar element in the story. It’s categorized as fantasy, but the fantasy aspect is light. It’s still set in real-life Europe, just with magical creatures and aspects to it that normal people cannot see.

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Those in the Boulder Class are solid and resilient. Meatlug in particular is tough, obstinate, slow, and lazy. Sometimes it is hard to pick up the motivation one needs to complete a task. Other times, there are bumps in the road, rocky obstacles that get in one’s way. Despite the struggle, we have to rise about the challenge and persevere.


Katy Swartz from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Katy goes through so much throughout the whole entire series that I’m not sure how she hasn’t broken down yet. That girl is a tough nut to crack.

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Not much is known about the Mystery Class, hence the name. Dragons in this class are cunning and stealthy making them feared above the others. Barf and Belch are a part of this conundrum. While they share one body, each head has it’s own personality. To be effective they must work together.


Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

The Humdrum is this mysterious monster that no one really knows anything about and Simon is the one destined to defeat it. Also, his infuriating roommate hasn’t showed up for the last year of magic school, which is unusual of him. Simon needs to find out what happened to his enemy roommate and a way to defeat the Humdrum.

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“Sharp Class dragons are vain and prideful, and they all possess sharp body parts.” (credit) These dragons are sleek and shine, honor and self-respect. They are beautiful and graceful with their pointed limbs and they know it.

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Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Celaena Sardothian is vain. Like, extremely vain. She’s probably the most vain character I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve met some characters whose egos were bigger than the world they lived in. Nonetheless, I still love her. She’s still a badass assassin. Let her be vain. It’s her signature trait.

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Stoker dragons are small and unruly. They can literally set themselves on fire making them hotheaded. This class is an explosion in a tiny package. Find a book that is small, in physical size or page number, that is full of action, mystery, or willful characters.

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milk and honey by Rupi Kaur

This is a short poetry book, but it relays a super powerful message. I would read it even if you don’t like poetry.

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Rare, powerful, inflexible, and loyal. These are some of the descriptor words for a dragon in the Strike Class. More prominent traits of the Strike Class also include blazing speed, cleverness, strength, and navigation. They are very rare, but very mighty. They are like a wild mustang horse: hard to train but loyal in the end.

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The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

When I was younger, I absolutely loved the Maximum Ride series. I remember the day my mom finally agreed to let me to the book. I sat on my bed, and read through the whole book in under four hours. That’s how much I used to be obsessed with the series.

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As the title suggests, Tigal dragons are associated with water, specifically the ocean. Those in this class are usually larger than most other classes. Water can be soothing, but not with dragons. For most book lovers, we enjoy a relaxing read near the water (as long as your book doesn’t get wet). For dragons, find a book that matches their habitat in setting.


Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

This story is set in Los Angeles, California. Some key moments are set near the ocean. Emma has a phobia for oceans. Yeah. Oceans are a big symbol in this story.

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“Natural born hunters, Tracker Class dragons have a highly acute sense of smell or taste that enables them to track down and find things.” (credit) Sadly, we humans are not trackers. There are some forms of books that are hard to find, like versions from other countries, special editions, hardcopy VS. paperback, ARCs, and more. Like Stormfly, these books are a torturing “mix of beauty and brutality.”

There’s this certain manga that I want to read that I’m having a hard time finding because it isn’t in English. I haven’t even been able to find them in online stores, and if I do, they don’t ship internationally to America. I might have to ask one of my overseas relatives if they could ship a copy to me….

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There is a lack of knowledge about these dragons, so they have not yet been classified. They could be sorted in the future, but until then they are stuck in the shadows of information. Like debut authors and their books, they are new and haven’t had quite as much publicity and appearances in the book world to be fully understood.

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The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

I super excited for The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. John Green raved about it in one of his Vlogbrothers videos, saying that it’s likely to become a classic. If that doesn’t interest you, I don’t know what will.


Dragons don’t like smoked eel of lunch. They flinch and cower from the striped delicacy. Like the eel, there are some books that people just won’t touch. It could be because of a passionately harsh fandom or because you don’t want the next book to ruin your experience with the previous. There are many reasons not to read a certain book, and while people will try to persuade you to pick it up, it is your choice to decide what you will read.

I’d like to think that I’m pretty open when it comes to books. If you can convince me to read it, I’ll probably read it. Like they say, don’t judge a book until you’ve read it. Oh wait. That’s not how it goes. Oh well. Close enough.


I tag…

all you dragon lovers out there! If you want to do this tag, consider yourself tagged by me!


All rights reserved To How to Train Your Dragon © Dreamworks Animation LLC.]


Until next time….


8 thoughts on “How to Train Your Dragon Book Tag

  1. thesassygeek 02/20/2017 / 4:44 pm

    Holy this is a long tag!
    I have to agree with you about Leigh Bardugo I didn’t really enjoy Shadow and Bone all that much but Six of Crows was amazing! I love when an author improves their writing so much!
    I still have to read Jackaby but it s underrated and I’m sure I’ll love it when I get the chance to finally read it, then I shall help you spread the word about it!
    Great answers Jessica! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jessica 02/20/2017 / 5:44 pm

      I didn’t like Shadow and Bone all that much either, but LOVED Six of Crows. I think you’ll enjoy Jackaby. It’s too bad it’s underrated….
      thanks!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. avathenerd 02/20/2017 / 9:50 pm

    Awesome post! I agree with a lot of your answers.
    I hadn’t heard of Jackaby before but it must be a good series if you like it. It’s definitely underrated.
    Thanks for the shout out! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marta 02/21/2017 / 6:25 pm

    I love how to train your dragon ❤ I might do this tag some day 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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